Henan, Where China Began丨Jiahu site, where Chinese civilization starts


Henan, Where China Began丨Jiahu site, where Chinese civilization starts

何以中国 行走河南丨贾湖遗址:中华文明的星火从这里点燃


Located in Jiahu village of Luohe city, Central China's Henan province, Jiahu site, once a Neolithic settlement some 7,500 to 9,000 years ago, covers an area of 55 thousand square meters, where abundant well-preserved cultural remains have been unearthed. The unearthed relics surpass its counterparts of the same period in China separately in number, variety, craftsmanship and cultural connotation. Jiahu witnessed the first cultural peak of East Asia in the past tens of thousands of years. Although sharing the same value with the ancient cultures fostered by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in West Asia during the same period, Jiahu has been taken as the brightest star.


Since 1983, over 6,000 cultural relics have been discovered successively, including pottery wares, stone implements, bone tools, horns, teeth, etc., after 8 rounds of archaeological excavations in about 3,000-square-meter site. Here China's earliest musical instrument with 7 sound holes, tripod-shaped wares, turquoise ornaments and domestically-cultivated soybeans were unearthed as well as China's one of the earliest forms of writing and one of the earliest wines. Jiahu is proved to be one of the birthplaces of the earliest animal domestication, fish breeding, rice planting, textile industry, primitive religion and divination in ancient China, therefore it has registered in both China's 100 major archaeological discoveries of the 20th century and China's 100 major archaeological discoveries in the past century.

自1983年至今,贾湖遗址经过8次考古发掘,发掘面积达3000多平方米,出土陶、石、骨、角、牙等文物6000余件。考古研究成果丰硕,发现了最早的七声音阶乐器、最早的鼎形器、最早的绿松石装饰物、最早的栽培大豆、最早的文字雏形之一及酒类。此外,贾湖遗址揭示了家畜驯养、渔类养殖、稻作农业、纺织业、原始宗教与卜筮的起源地,被评为中国20世纪百项考古大发现之一,并入选全国“百年百大考古发现”。(赵汉青 杨佳欣 张雅涵)

Editor: Zhao Hanqing
